I am pleased to announce that Aktion Mensch has approved our application and will cover the accommodation and travel expenses of our children for an exchange program in Austria.
The children, together with Mona Schwärzel, Paul Wangodi, an educator and a photographer, travel to Vienna for three days, where they are welcomed, lodged and fed by the Schwarze Frauen Community e.V. ( www.schwarzefrauen.net ). They will explore Vienna and take part in several multicultural events.

On July 11th 2010 they travel together with the group of the SFC (Black Women Community) to the summer camp in Buchberg am Kamp. There is the following program:
-Capoeira-Feldenkrais dance- Shaolin, breathing training- forest excursion with Helene, for young people at night (flashlights with batteries necessarily take)
-creativ factory (for anyone who either enjoys writing or needs help in German) – screen-printing theater – the daily campfire – swimming trip to the Kamp, etc.